Mermaid Spells

*These spells do not come from me,they come from another website. But am sure they will work ;)

Mermaid Spellbook

 1) Go into a shower, put your favourite necklace on and then close your eyes and say this spell slowly:

Magic spirits of the deep
i would like a tail not two feet
beauty be upon me
fish all kinds let me see
when i'm finished in the sea
when i'm dry my feet return to me

Once you have said that get out of the shower and dry your self and you should be a mermaid next time you have touched water.

1. It takes one drop so be careful
2. It takes ten seconds
3. Don't be scared if different powers find you so try and use them for good
4. DO NOT look at the full moon or who knows what will happen without you knowing
5. Enjoy!

There you go, no salt :)

2) In-soo-sient in-clem-ancy
Re-dowt-able Me-di-oc-ra-see
Re-few-ta-ble Hew-man-it-ee
Make me what i wish to be
witches one and witches all give this power to me.                                                                                                          

Say this ten times. The side effects are:
Wanting more water
You will have to wait 2-3 weeks for your powers and 2-3-4 months for your tail.You have to believe for it to work, and you cant try to make it go faster or it wont work. You can’t be dry when you do the spell and you cant be tottaly wet. You can only have your hand or legs or something in water for it to work, I did my left hand.

                               FULL MOON SPELLS

            3) on a full moon  touch some kind of form of water and look at the full moon for 30 seconds then the next morning touch some kind of water and you might just become a mermaid/merman!

4) Ok to become a mermaid there are a few steps...

You will need a shell real fake even a pasta shell will work.
You will need a picture of the full moon or do this on the full moon
You will need water

Now put your left hand in the water and hold the shell in your right.Stare at the center of the full moon and say...

Mystery of the moon give me my magic soon
Power of the sea make me what I want to be a mermaid.                         

If this works you will become like addicted to water,your legs will feel odd when you touch water,and on full moons you might act strange.Dont worry your tail will come soon.

That is it.That is how I am flopping my tail right now.

  5) am unsure if this one works...

Plug the bathtub up and start the shower. Stand with the water falling down and say the following 2 or 10 times.

Mermaids and witches far and near
Please listen now, lend an ear
My wish is simple as you see
to be a mermaid with the sea
i wish to have a(n) __ tail
Please do not fail
My powers I wish for ___
My time underwater is eternal
for gills on the neck are essential
Mermaids and witches
please listen
my eternal wish forever be
please me just me
become a mermaid when wet
a human when dry
at the stoke of midniught tonight
so mote it be!
it takes 10 seconds dont you see
to be a mermaid to be one with water
rain shall not affect me
only water from any other place
a mermaid when wet a human when dry
at the stroke of midnight tonight
so mote it be!

6) This spell gets you MERMAID POWERS,not a tail.
You Will Need:

2 papers

A full moon,or a picture of the full moon

A bottle or a cup of water


1)Take the first piece of paper and draw a pentagon

2)Put a bottle of water in the middle of the shape

3)In the second piece of paper,write down the powers you wish to have.

4)Look at the CENTER of the full moon for a few moments.

5)Say this 5 times:      "Mermaids,mermaids,of the deep,I shall be able to protect the ocean waters and myself from harm.Give me the powers of _______water,so mote it be!" 



1)If you pick 1 power,it will come in 1 hour

2)If you pick 2 powers,it will come in 2 hours

3)If you pick 3 powers,it will come in 3 hours

4)If you pick 4 powers,it will come in 4 hours

5)If you pick 5 powers,it will come in 5 hours



You could shape,freeze,and heat could also turn them into some jelly thing,and you could control the weather also,so that's 5 powers.


That's mainly it.


  1. does the first one need a full moon?

    1. no it doesn't i tried it will i was in class ehhehe

    2. Mermaid spell offers magic ring that can turn ones leg into real fish tail of mermaid. I got one for my self after i joined the family of mermaid, the ring is also blessed by the gods of the ocean with good lucks, money and power to protect. Once you say a world to the ring and then touch water it transform into a real mermaid tail and i can choose the color of my tail with the concentration and focus of your mind. contact her now on gmail. for me, I think she is the best : sometimes I find my self deep down in the sea at midnight �� having fun with mermaid friends... i consider myself the most luckiest person in the world to have friends from oceans. Now i can transform myself to half siren 25% and 25% mermaid. I firmly believe with this ring i can contest in the American got talents show. hahaha

  2. oh nvm but it didn't work for me :( should i keep trying?

  3. I tried from other sites

    1. for the 6th one should we write the powers we desire in bold letters in the piece of paper or?

  4. i love these spells and know they will work!

  5. I am going to try the first one

  6. hi love mermaid en i love it spell thank U the spell mermaid have a good day

  7. Its a great pleasure reading your post.Its full of information I am looking for and I love to post a comment that "The content of your post is awesome" Great work. Join illuminati

  8. Want to Join the family of real beautiful mermaid, You can actually become a real mermaid instead of buying or wearing of artificial mermaid tale. You can get a spell or wear a ring that can turn you into a mermaid at anytime you want to. contact email: You can explain to us how you want it, our child Melissa is a real mermaid and we have a huge family of real mermaid. 

    1. Hello,
      I have sent an email to and nothing happened. I had to wait 5 days for a reply!!! Then, they said this. "I will need your information's so we can place it in the temple for
      the initiation process.

      Your name:
      Phone number:

      Waiting for your response"
      WHO SAYS THAT?!?! This is just a spam!!!! Once I sent them some of my info, they said it costs 350!!! 350?!?!? SERIOUSLY!!! THIS IS ALL A SPAM... DON'T DO THIS...

    2. Wow I want to be one!

  9. I'm happy i finally got the right spell caster that gave me the powerful magic ring that can turn me into real and beautiful mermaid any time i want to. I just say a word to the ring and i poses a real tail and do not have to wear a plastic tail to look like one. Over 3 months of joining the real mermaid family things have become very easy for me, i have automatically become a good swimmer, anytime i need money i just read the mermaid book given to me by them and do the needful rictuals. I'm benefiting a lot as part of the mermaid family and i'm prepared to contest in the America got talent show, i'm not suppose to share the contact but we all have to help save and protect the ocean. Note: please do not contact Mother if you are not up to 18 years and another thing is that she is always busy and don't like disturb after she gives you instructions. Here is the real mermaid and merman spell contact: joinmermaidfamily @ gmail . com

  10. I really hope this works I tried the first spell and just waiting now

  11. This did not work what am I suppose to do go to the place they filmed Mako Mermaids or H2O and see if that works eeehhh I am so disappointed I did the spell right

  12. I'm happy i finally got the right spell caster that gave me the powerful magic ring that can turn me into real and beautiful mermaid any time i want to. I just say a word to the ring and i poses a real tail and do not have to wear a plastic tail to look like one. Over 3 months of joining the real mermaid family things have become very easy for me, i have automatically become a good swimmer, anytime i need money i just read the mermaid book
    given to me by them and do the needful rictuals. I'm benefiting a lot as part of the mermaid family and i'm prepared to contest in the America got talent show, i'm not suppose to share the contact but we all have to help save and protect the ocean. Note: she is always busy and don't like disturb after she gives you instructions. Here is the real mermaid and merman spell contact: joinmermaidfamily @ gmail . com

  13. i hope this works

  14. i did it a while ago and none of them worked :c people it doesn't work

  15. For no.2 and 4 will you be a mermaid forever? Or only when you touch water? Will rain affect me?

  16. For no. 1, do you need to dry your hair completely when you come out of the shower? Can you take off your necklace after you come out of the shower?

  17. I'm gonna try on a full moon (a blue moon!)

  18. spell number 3 I know it will work

  19. Ok so umm I just tried it and Idk what to do with the water

  20. I just did the spells, now to wait 2 - 4 months for my tail and powers!

  21. I did it in a sink but does that also work?
